First off, let me apologize for my lack of posting lately! Lots going on at home, that I will fill you in on later. For now, I just wanted to make the announcement that I finally caved in to all the pressure from family & friends to do something I have been resisting for a very long time....
I joined Facebook!
This sudden jump into the latest craze of the technological revolution came, not from the promise of great riches, nor the desire to get in touch with long lost high school friends, but from an invitation from my
84 year old grandfather to view HIS Facebook profile!! I simply had no choice.
So now you can "
Be a Fan" of
Aguavino for all the latest and greatest news about my art and crafting. Well, maybe not very many updates for now, cause I still have no clue as to what I'm doing, or how best to use it for biz promotion. But having some fans will encourage me to learn and explore.
Next step: Twitter.
I still refuse to get a cell phone.